After - Day 10

The First Three Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

“Father Forgive Them. . .”
We mentioned this one yesterday. Luke 23:34 says it clearly. These were the first words of Jesus on the cross. In light of what is known about the process of ancient Roman crucifixion, it is incredible to think that he would think of us at all, let alone with such grace and mercy.

“Today you will be with me in paradise”
This text has been used at times to consider what happens when we die. The theology that we adhere to at this church is the idea that when we die, we move into a state where we know nothing until we see the face of Jesus in the second coming. How do we rectify this language that Jesus used with our understanding of the “state of the dead” as the understanding is called.

I think it is said best when we mention that for the one who passes, the very next thing that they experience is the face of Jesus. There is no passing of time, and there is no understanding of days or hours, or even seconds. The next experience is the resurrection from the Second Coming of Jesus. So in a way, Jesus was saying exactly a true statement, the next day for the thief on the cross will be with Jesus in heaven.

Perhaps we can learn that no matter the transgression, there is forgiveness for everyone. Whether at the end of one’s life or at the beginning. Whether the transgression was severe or seemingly minor, forgiveness is available and given by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. For that, we should all be grateful, and not jealous of someone who receives this grace at the end of their lives. For grace given is the sole property of Jesus himself. (For more on this see the parable of the field workers: Matthew 20:1-16)

“Woman, behold your son”
Jesus saw his mother, Mary, standing by and knew her cares and griefs, and He saw John standing not far off. So, He established a new relationship between His beloved mother and His beloved disciple. He said to her, "Woman, behold your son, for whom, from now on, you must have a motherly affection," and to John, "Behold you mother, to whom you must pay a sonly duty." And so from that hour, that hour never to be forgotten, that disciple took her to his own home.

He calls her woman, not mother, not out of any disrespect to her, but because mother would have been a cutting word to her who was already wounded with grief. He directs her to look upon John as her son: "Behold him as thy son, who stands there by you, and be as a mother to him."

  1. What do these sayings say about Jesus? 
  2. Do you think you would have been so graceful if you were in that situation? 
  3. Why was Jesus so keen to always think of others in his time of trials? 
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