The Little Letters - Day 34
13 I have much more to say to you, but I don’t want to write it with pen and ink. 14 For I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk face to face.
15 Peace be with you.
John wants to be there. He wants to share with them. He doesn’t mind writing to them, but he also wants to be able to meet with them face to face, to get their input, and to build their relationships.
I know exactly what this feels like. Every time we have a new group, a new conversation about planting a church, or building the kingdom with a new group of people I want to meet them, to get to know their personalities, to see what they bring to the table of talents that we are aggregating for the kingdom, and to listen to their stories of love, hope, as well as disappointment and pain.
We are lucky that we have zoom, email, texts, and other ways to communicate. I can’t imagine having to wait on a first century system of communication. But you know what? John did it, and it worked. The church grew. It grew because he was connected to those churches, he knew people there, and he worked hard in order to be able to help others grow the kingdom in their areas.
I guess for me the takeaway from all of this is that where there are people who are creating communities of belonging, where there are those who live beyond themselves and are willing to help others grow, who are willing to listen, and who are willing to give to the cause, the kingdom cannot help but grow.
How are you helping with this kingdom growth today?
15 Peace be with you.
John wants to be there. He wants to share with them. He doesn’t mind writing to them, but he also wants to be able to meet with them face to face, to get their input, and to build their relationships.
I know exactly what this feels like. Every time we have a new group, a new conversation about planting a church, or building the kingdom with a new group of people I want to meet them, to get to know their personalities, to see what they bring to the table of talents that we are aggregating for the kingdom, and to listen to their stories of love, hope, as well as disappointment and pain.
We are lucky that we have zoom, email, texts, and other ways to communicate. I can’t imagine having to wait on a first century system of communication. But you know what? John did it, and it worked. The church grew. It grew because he was connected to those churches, he knew people there, and he worked hard in order to be able to help others grow the kingdom in their areas.
I guess for me the takeaway from all of this is that where there are people who are creating communities of belonging, where there are those who live beyond themselves and are willing to help others grow, who are willing to listen, and who are willing to give to the cause, the kingdom cannot help but grow.
How are you helping with this kingdom growth today?
Pastor Tim
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