Uncomfortable S2 - Introduction

Welcome back to our Uncomfortable series. As you know, we are packing some of our series into two different packages. Getting to the second half of the year, we will see some familiar series come back to go deeper into the concepts and texts we have begun exploring in the first seasons of these series. 

This second season of the Uncomfortable series will discuss uncomfortable people, diversity, worship, unity, and comfort. I, for one, look forward to these conversations, sermons, studies, and the opportunity to grow in uncomfortable situations as a child of God and someone who would like to represent Christ more in all that I do. 

Becoming comfortable with discomfort is something that we all have to strive to do. I was listening to a podcast with a former Navy SEAL and was blown away by what the SEALS were expected to become comfortable with. Most of their training was based on the idea that they were trying to make you uncomfortable and deeply distressed so they could handle anything thrown at them. It seemed almost intolerable. However, this former SEAL seemed to relish what he became through the process. 

Have you ever thought that God could use these situations to grow you toward the person God wants you to be? I don’t believe that God sends hardship and suffering to us, but I do know that God can use anything to teach us to become the people he envisions us to be. Without adversity, we may never reach our potential. So being people who can handle discomfort means that we have learned to trust in God in those difficult moments, uncomfortable situations, and being pushed outside of our comfort zones. 

So, let us get started being uncomfortable once again. This time, I swear we won’t make someone who has never played Cello do it in front of the congregation–3 times!!! However, you never know what you might get with this Uncomfortable Series!

By Pastor Tim Gillespie

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