Uncomfortable S2 - End of Week 2


The following is a guide to help facilitate discussion. Feel free to add, subtract, or change questions to fit the conversation, and pray for the Spirit to lead in all things.

Has there been a time in your life when you worshipped with reckless abandonment, not hindered by the thoughts of those around you?  Or, has there been a time you wanted to, but couldn’t because you worried about how you might be perceived?  Share.

Our worship, when done fully and completely to the glory of God, can be uncomfortable for us at times and for the people around us.  Let us see what we can glean from the following two experiences about worshipping God with all of our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6: 5)
  1. Read 2 Samuel 6: 13-16 and 20-22 together and share any wisdom, insights, or thoughts from the reading.
  2. The ark of the covenant, which represented the Lord’s presence with His people, was being returned to God’s chosen.  David, danced before the Lord with all his might.  Why do you think David was so excited in this moment?
  3. Do you think David cared much about what the people around him were thinking about his behavior?  Why or why not?
  4. In your opinion, why was his wife Michael so embarrassed by David’s behavior?
  5. David said he was willing to become even more undignified if it would bring glory to God.  What allowed him this posture of devotion to the Lord?
  6. Read Luke 19: 28-40 together and share any wisdom, insights, or thoughts from the reading.
  7. The children of Israel began thinking that this was the moment when the Messiah would be crowned king and finally rescue them from their oppressors.  It was a moment to rejoice.  Why was it so uncomfortable, even seen by the Pharisees as in need of rebuke?
  8. Jesus said in verse 40 that if the people kept quiet, the very stones would cry out.  What do you think this meant?
  9. How do you and I worship freely when facing opposition?

  1. When we’re instructed to worship the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength, it means our entire being.  What holds us back from this, at least in corporate settings?
  2. If you’ve ever been able to worship like David, what was that like and what was happening that allowed you to enter into that space?
  3. How can you and I practice unhindered worship, even in spaces where others might judge?  Is there ever a reason to hold back in worship (ex: a place where you’re unhindered worship may be a distraction to someone else)?

This week, take some time privately to worship God in a way that maybe you haven’t done before, or you haven’t done in a way.  Push yourself to worship with all your heart, soul, and strength, even if it’s uncomfortable, whatever that means for you.  If that means hands lifted high, or mouth closed and listening, or memorizing a passage in scripture until it becomes a part of you.  Try some different things to seek in your way to dance before the Lord.

“Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
Psalms 150:1-6 NIV

Pastor Tim and the Series Guide Writing Team

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