Uncomfortable S2 - End of Week 5


Thanksgiving is always a great time to get together and think about what God has done for you in the past, now, and future. We know that God will remain faithful, and we want our faithfulness to God to reflect that.

As your connect group gathers. Put this question on a white sheet of paper: “What are you grateful for today?” This should keep the group occupied for a little while!!

  1. What does the Bible say about the importance of gratitude?
This question can lead to a discussion of key Bible verses that emphasize the significance of gratitude, such as 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which states, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
  1. What are some biblical examples of individuals or communities expressing gratitude?
This question can encourage exploration of specific stories or passages in the Bible where characters or groups of people express gratitude to God. For example, the account of the leper who returned to thank Jesus in Luke 17:11-19.
  1. How does gratitude relate to faith and trust in God?
This question can delve into the connection between gratitude, faith, and trust in God's providence. It invites discussion on how a thankful heart can deepen one's relationship with God and strengthen one's trust in His plan.
  1. What practical ways the Bible suggests we can cultivate gratefulness in our lives?
This question encourages exploring practical advice from the Bible on nurturing a spirit of gratitude. It may lead to discussions on prayer, counting blessings, and fostering a thankful attitude.
  1. How can we express gratitude towards God and others in our daily lives as Christians?
This question prompts reflection on how believers can put gratitude into action. It may lead to conversations about acts of kindness, service, and expressions of thanks toward God and fellow humans.

Applying biblical texts about gratitude involves more than just reading and understanding the verses; it requires practicing the principles in our daily lives. Here are some practical steps on how to apply biblical texts about gratitude:
  • Prayer and Thanksgiving: Begin each day with a prayer of thanksgiving. Thank God for the gift of a new day, for His love, and for the blessings in your life. Be specific in your thanksgiving, acknowledging both the big and small blessings.
  • Count Your Blessings: Regularly take time to count your blessings. Consider keeping a gratitude journal where you write down things you are thankful for. This practice can help you become more aware of God's goodness.
  • Express Gratitude to Others: Show gratitude to God and the people in your life. Express your appreciation to family members, friends, coworkers, and anyone who has positively impacted you. Acts of kindness and words of thanks can go a long way.
  • Trust in God's Providence: When facing challenges and uncertainties, trust in God's providence and express gratitude even in difficult circumstances. Remember that God's plan may not always align with your immediate desires, but trust His plan is for your ultimate good.
  • Serve Others: Gratitude can be expressed through acts of service. Look for opportunities to serve those in need through volunteering, acts of kindness, or offering your time and resources to help others.
  • Foster a Content Heart: Avoid constantly desiring more material possessions. Instead, cultivate contentment with what you have, recognizing that true wealth is found in spiritual and relational treasures.
  • Attend Worship Services: Regularly attend worship services or gatherings where you can come together with other believers to express gratitude and praise to God. Corporate worship can reinforce the importance of thanksgiving.
  • Practice Forgiveness: Gratitude is closely tied to forgiveness. Forgive those who have wronged you, as harboring grudges can hinder your ability to be truly thankful and at peace.
  • Teach Gratitude to Others: Share the principles of gratitude with your family, friends, and children. Please encourage them to cultivate a thankful attitude as well.
  • Reflect on Biblical Examples: Study the lives of biblical figures known for their gratitude, such as David, who expressed gratitude through the Psalms, and Paul, who frequently offered thanksgiving in his letters. Their examples can inspire and guide your own practice of gratitude.
  • Pray for a Thankful Heart: Ask God in your prayers to help you develop a thankful heart. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in you and enable you to maintain an attitude of gratitude.
  • Be Mindful of God's Presence: Throughout your day, be mindful of God's presence. Recognize He is with you in every situation; His love and grace are constant sources of gratitude.

Applying biblical texts about gratitude is an ongoing and transformative process that involves consciously choosing to live with a thankful heart, seeking to honor God and bless others through your attitude and actions.

Expressing gratitude in a small group can strengthen relationships and foster a positive and appreciative atmosphere. Here are two activities that convey gratitude in a small group:
  • Gratitude Circle:

    • Have participants sit in a circle.
    • Start by having one person express something they are thankful for. It could be a recent blessing, a positive experience, or a quality they appreciate in someone present.
    • After sharing, that person will gently toss a small object (like a ball or a beanbag) to someone else in the circle, while mentioning something they appreciate or are grateful for about that person.
    • The person receiving the object then shares their gratitude for someone else in the circle and passes it to them. This continues until everyone has had a chance to express gratitude.
    • Encourage participants to be specific in their expressions of gratitude and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to share.
  • Thankful Tree:

    • Provide a large sheet of paper or a poster board and markers.
    • Draw or create a simple tree on the paper, leaving empty branches.
    • Distribute leaves made of paper or sticky notes to each participant along with markers.
    • Ask each person to write something they are grateful for on a leaf.
    • Invite participants to take turns attaching their leaves to the “Thankful Tree" branches and briefly sharing their gratitude with the group.
    • As the tree fills with leaves, it becomes a visual representation of the collective gratitude within the group.
    • Leave the "Thankful Tree" displayed in the meeting area as a reminder of the things the group is thankful for.

These activities encourage participants to openly express their gratitude, promote a positive atmosphere, and help group members feel appreciated and valued. They also create opportunities for deeper connections and shared experiences of thankfulness within the small group.

One great biblical text on gratitude is found in the book of Psalm 100:4-5:
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."
This passage from the Psalms beautifully encapsulates the essence of gratitude. It encourages believers to approach God with thanksgiving and praise, acknowledging His goodness, enduring love, and unwavering faithfulness. The text reminds us that expressing gratitude is a fundamental aspect of worship and integral to our relationship with the Lord. It emphasizes that God's love and faithfulness are not fleeting but endures for all generations, underscoring the timeless importance of gratitude in our faith journey.

Thank you all so much for listening, responding, praying, gathering, and joining in with all the uncomfortable people we are called to live in fellowship with!

Pastor Tim and the Series Guide Writing Team

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1 Comment

Bernice - November 25th, 2023 at 11:01am

Thank you for your online small groups




