A Study In Luke - End of Week 3


The following is a guide to help facilitate discussion between you and the person you’re studying with or with your Connect Group. Feel free to add, subtract, or change questions to fit the conversation, and pray for the Spirit to lead in all things.


John the Baptist had gone before Jesus to prepare the way.  When you think about your journey of faith, who went before you that helped opened your heart to see Jesus?  What was something they taught you that you carry with you to this day?

  1. Read Luke 7:1-50 together and share any wisdom, insights, or thoughts that come to you from the reading.
  2. Jesus seems to care so little about the labels we use to identify people; the centurion, the tax collector, a woman who had lived a sinful life.  How did Jesus see past these labels and should you and I be working to do the same?  What ministry gets stopped when we focus so much on labels instead of people?
  3. What do you think it was like for the Pharisees, the religious elite, to hear Jesus praise a Centurion for having greater faith than anyone in Israel?
  4. Jesus’ tenderness and compassion for the widow is palpable.  The people respond with both fear and worship.  Why may both feelings be appropriate in this situation?
  5. Why do you think John the Baptist began to have doubts that Jesus was the Messiah?
  6. Why do you think this woman, who had to know her reputation among the people, would even dare enter a house full of such “holy” people?

  1. What do you admire about the Centurion’s faith, and what aspect of it do you wish you had more of?
  2. If you could have Jesus restore one person to you, someone who has died, who would that person be and why?
  3. John the Baptist had a moment of doubt.  Sitting in a prison cell, he began to wonder if he got it right.  Do you think faith and doubt are truly opposites, or might they go hand in hand, one helping the other?  Explain.
  4. The “sinful woman” poured out everything she had on Jesus, expensive perfume and even her tears.  What might Jesus be asking you to give in this season of your life to honor him? Money? Time? Devotion?

The centurion’s faith, John the Baptists persistence and willingness to prepare the way, the sinful woman’s incredible gift and sacrifice…all for Jesus.  What is one thing you could do for Jesus this week, or one thing you could say yes to for Jesus this week, to show Him how much you love Him and how thankful you are for Him and all that He has done for you?

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Mark 10:45 NLT

By Pastor Paddy McCoy

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