Wonder - Day 13

The wonder of possible impossibilities

Luke 1:38
38 Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.

I doubt that Mary fully understood all the implications of what the angel Gabriel told her in this moment.  Like the Christmas song, “Mary Did You Know,” I think there were a whole lot of things that Mary had no idea about.

Did she know that her baby boy was coming to make all things new; to give sight to the blind and calm the storm with His hand?  Did she know that her baby boy would save our sons and daughters; deliver us; and rule the nations?

I don’t think she did, nor could she have possibly known the pain she’d have to endure, watching her baby boy give His life to save humanity by suffering the most painful death ever designed by men.

And yet, she trusted God enough to surrender and submit to His plans.

I think sometimes, when we seek God’s will in a certain situation, we think that knowing His will means we won’t have fear over the direction He wants us to take.  Or that we’ll have a sense of perfect peace and be able to boldly say, “Here I am Lord, send me!” But in my life, and maybe I’m unique, most of God’s calls have been feel with wonder in the full sense of the word - awe at the idea that God would choose me, and fear that He may be choosing poorly.  Following God, for me, has always taken a step of faith, trusting that He knows what He’s doing, even when I can’t see the full path in front of me.  In fact, I often only see far enough to know where to put my foot next.

I pray that all of us would be the kind of people who are able to answer God’s call, even when we don’t know everything He’s up to at the time.  I pray we could trust in His favor, which we saw earlier is His grace extended to us.  And I pray that we could be a community of faith that steps boldly into the unknown as we partner with God to be His vessels to keep bringing Jesus into our world.

  1. What do you need to surrender to God today?
  2. In what areas do you need to trust Him more, even when you don’t know what all is going to happen?
  3. Please, take a moment to pray today for our communities of faith to be bold in saying yes to God, so that Jesus comes more to life in us as we seek to share Him with our world that is in desperate need of more of Him.

Pastor Paddy McCoy and the Series Guide Writing Team

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