Sacred Echo - Ep 37

Jul 11, 2024    David K. Ferguson, Paddy McCoy

In this conversation, Patty McCoy and David Ferguson discuss various topics including the challenges of youth ministry, the risks taken for the gospel, and the expansion of the gospel to the Gentiles. They share personal experiences and anecdotes related to these themes. The conversation centers around the story of Saul's conversion and the story of Cornelius in Acts 10. They explore the themes of submission, the inclusion of Gentiles in the gospel message, and the struggles faced by Peter in accepting this inclusion. Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative power of the gospel and the need to be open to God's leading. In this conversation, David and Paddy discuss the experiences and struggles of Peter in the book of Acts. They explore Peter's growth and the challenges he faced in accepting Gentiles into the early Christian community. They also touch on the topic of legalism and the importance of recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit in others. The conversation highlights the need for openness and love in our interactions with others.