Lovewell: A Theology - Day 24

Day 24
Matthew 25
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
Oh man! I want you to go back and read this whole chapter. If you only have time to do this today and not read what I have written, then DO IT! Nothing I can say will be more important than what Jesus has said in these verses, so read those first and foremost. If you have time, then come back to these words.
These texts are a masterclass on what was important to Jesus. In our understanding of these words we are taking a theological perspective into who God is. Jesus personified God’s desire for us to be taking care of each other with ministries of ministry and compassion. And in this chapter, it is brought to the forefront of Jesus’ ministry and his desire for what his followers might be doing.
If you go back and read the story, you know it is Jesus preaching about the sheep and the goats and final judgment. It is fascinating to me that Christians get a little crazy about how they judge others and what they think God is judging people on, especially when Jesus makes it pretty clear.
Those who do not take care of their fellow human beings are the ones who will be judged and judged harshly. When we assume that it is not our responsibility to care for others, then we find ourselves allowing our hearts to be hardened toward those who need our help the most.
Jesus was clear, if you did it to the least of these, then you did it to me. If these words are true, then we, as Christians, should probably spend less time worried about who is doing what with whom and spend more time thinking about how we are serving those who are hungry, in need, and underserved.
I’m going to keep this short today so you can go back and read that whole chapter! Have a great day and take it to heart!
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
Oh man! I want you to go back and read this whole chapter. If you only have time to do this today and not read what I have written, then DO IT! Nothing I can say will be more important than what Jesus has said in these verses, so read those first and foremost. If you have time, then come back to these words.
These texts are a masterclass on what was important to Jesus. In our understanding of these words we are taking a theological perspective into who God is. Jesus personified God’s desire for us to be taking care of each other with ministries of ministry and compassion. And in this chapter, it is brought to the forefront of Jesus’ ministry and his desire for what his followers might be doing.
If you go back and read the story, you know it is Jesus preaching about the sheep and the goats and final judgment. It is fascinating to me that Christians get a little crazy about how they judge others and what they think God is judging people on, especially when Jesus makes it pretty clear.
Those who do not take care of their fellow human beings are the ones who will be judged and judged harshly. When we assume that it is not our responsibility to care for others, then we find ourselves allowing our hearts to be hardened toward those who need our help the most.
Jesus was clear, if you did it to the least of these, then you did it to me. If these words are true, then we, as Christians, should probably spend less time worried about who is doing what with whom and spend more time thinking about how we are serving those who are hungry, in need, and underserved.
I’m going to keep this short today so you can go back and read that whole chapter! Have a great day and take it to heart!
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Posted in Matthew
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