Elemental Season 1 - End of Week 4

Week 4 

The following is a guide to help facilitate discussion. Feel free to add or subtract or change questions to fit the conversation, and pray for the Spirit to lead in all things.

Think about and share a time when you were incredibly blessed by the reading of God’s Word and then share a time when you found it to be challenging.

This week we invite you to Read, Re-Read, or Review the daily writings in the series guide and think about the concepts therein. Additionally, you may want to read Genesis 32:22-32 and share any initial wisdom, insights, or questions in response to the readings. 

Have you ever questioned the authority or authenticity of the Bible? What may have prompted that and what was it like for you?

What would you say to a person that says “The Bible can’t be trusted because it was written by man?”

One of the first steps towards deconstruction is to move away from certainty and towards complexity. What have you been certain about in your faith journey that you may need to reframe due to its complexity?

Have you ever gotten into it with God? Maybe you were upset about something and laid into Him. Or maybe you were experiencing something incredibly painful and used Him as a punching bag. Whatever the case was, how did it make you feel and what was the outcome?

Why do you think God chose to wrestle with Jacob? How have you wrestled with God in your life?

How has that wrestling caused you to grow and mature? What was your experience and understanding of God like afterwards?

What is one struggle in your life that you can now see has resulted in some good? How did it help you grow spiritually?

What have you learned in regards to deconstruction this week? What do you need to do in light of this new understanding? Is there action you need to take?


“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”
Romans 12:2a

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