Un/Broken - End of Week 2


The following guide is designed to serve as a potential framework for your discussion.  Feel free to use it as is or adapt as the Spirit leads.

Dr. Kenny Boyd writes to us from his experience as a mental health professional. He is a member of Crosswalk church in Redlands and has expertise in mental health. We understand that each of these weeks will look and feel slightly different, but we are excited that he was willing to write for us.

What temptations have you had to deal with, and how did you overcome them? where are you? How have temptations formed you or made you who you are today?

Would you be willing to share any of your experiences and what helped you process these temptations?

Remember, this must be a safe space for everyone to share.

If you continue to read Luke 4, you will see that right after the temptations, Jesus outlines the mission of God that he came to fulfill.

How has dealing with temptation shaped you in a way that has made you more prepared to be able to do the work that God has called you to do?

How did people receive Jesus after he said what he was here to do?

Do you know what breaks the heart of God? Is it the same thing that breaks your heart? Is there a way that we can use the learnings that we acquire as we deal with temptations to help heal not only God’s heart but our hearts as well?

Why would dealing with temptation be a question of the heart as much as of the mind and hands?

How can you help others with temptations they might be dealing with?

It is often in the doing that we are made a bit more healthy. What can you do today to work toward a greater mental health and stability around this idea of temptations? Is there a call you need to make, a connection with a counselor or pastor that might be helpful? What can you do in order to keep things moving forward in the way that you deal with temptation and the ripple effect of those temptations in your life?

1 Corinthians 10:13—13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

By Dr. Kendall Boyd

Support Crosswalk Church

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