It's Complicated(S1) : WK 3 - GROUP GUIDE

The following is a guide to help facilitate discussion between you and the person you’re studying with or with your Connect Group. Feel free to add, subtract, or change questions to fit the conversation, and pray for the Spirit to lead in all things.

The story of David and Goliath is a favorite tale for many who grow up in the faith.  Share one of your favorite childhood stories (Biblical or not), and what it was about that story you liked so much.

  1. Read 1 Samuel 17:1-58 and Psalm 143 together and share any wisdom, insights, or thoughts that come to you from the reading?
  2. There were so many stories before this one of God delivering His people from difficult circumstances (think Egypt).  Why do you think the Israelites struggled so much with every new obstacle instead of remembering what God had done in the past to help them act in the present?
  3. Why do you think Saul was willing to let a child lead face the giant as opposed to one of his best soldiers?  How do you think Saul felt after the victory?  Was he simply relieved, jealous, ashamed? Maybe all the above?
  4. Do you think David was all courage and no fear?  He sounds that way.  Share what you think was going through his head as he walked toward Goliath.
  5. In the series guide this week, we reflected some on why David carried Goliath’s head into battle.  Share your thoughts on why you think he did this?
  6. In Psalm 123, even though David is paralyzed with fear, he writes that he knows God is Faithful and righteous.  Why do you think it’s important to remember who God is despite how you are feeling at the time?
  7. David reminds himself of God’s unfailing love in times of trial.  How do you think this helps him carry on?

  1. Have you ever been paralyzed with fear, or in a season of life where you felt that you had lost all hope?  What happened and if you were able to come out of it, how did you come out of it?
  2. What are some of our “giants” that we face today?  What are ways we can help each other face those giants in the power of our mighty God?
  3. In addition to David, who are some other characters in Scripture that seemed like the least likely people chosen to be the hero?
  4. Is it possible for us to be both afraid and courageous in saying yes to whatever it is God is asking us to do?  Explain your answer.

Write out some of the giants you are currently facing in your life.  Pray over them and in some tangible way, give them over to God.  Then, spend time memorizing Psalm 143:8-10, making it a part of your prayer time for the following week.

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.”
Psalm 143:8, NLT

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