Dave  Ferguson
Lead Pastor

Daniel Little
Finance Committee Chair

Shastin Rains
Experience Director

Abby Brackett
Marketing Manager

Miranda Delgado
Social Media Manager
Justin Wampler
Church Administrator

Kelly Hauge
Facilities Manager

Kelsey Porter
Office Manager

Caryl-Lynn Ferguson
Pastoral Care & CRSWLK Membership
Jacob Faulkner
Worship Director

Wesley Leon
Lighting & Media Lead

Seth Medley
Audio Lead
Danika Thomas
Outreach Director

Sarah Goodwin
Small Groups Director

Rachel Newmeyer
CRSWLK Women Director

Philippe Lemaitre
CRSWLK Men Director
Gina Blackburn
Next Gen Director

Miranda Delgado
Future of* Lead

Madeline Uhrik
Post Collegiate Lead


Dave  Ferguson
Lead Pastor

Daniel Little

Shastin Rains
Experience Director

Abby Bracket
Communications Director
Justin Wampler
Church Administrator

Kelly Hauge
Facilities Manager

Kelsey Porter
Office Manager

Caryl-Lynn Ferguson
CRSWLK Membership
Jacob Faulkner
Worship Director

Wesley Leon
Lighting & Media Lead

Seth Medley
Audio Lead
Christalee Crary
Outreach Director

Rondi Aastrup
Small Groups Coordinator

Rachel Newmeyer
CRSWLK Ladies Director

Kaylyn Levoy
Future of* Lead
Gina Norden
CRSWLK Kids Director

Sheila Pruehs
Playful Worship

Jaclyn Pruehs
Grow & Build

Bradford Goodridge
Table Talk

Emily Freeman
Angel Program Lead

Emilee Winskey
CRSWLK Kids Check-in

Church Board

This team acts similarly to a board and meets monthly to discuss important decisions, vote on policies, and provide vision and guidance to ensure that we continue to LOVEWELL.
Brooks Pruehs
Team Chair

Pastor Dave Ferguson
John Appel

Jahnil Ancheta

Christalee Crary

Alysa Darmody

Sahira Gomez

Matthew Higgins

Ritchie Pruehs

Daniel Little

Lindsay Little

Jessica Peña

Scott Sanders
Regular Invitees:
Justin Wampler
Shastin Rains
Jacob Faulkner
Caryl-Lynn Ferguson
recording secretary  


This team acts similarly to a board and meets monthly to discuss important decisions, vote on policies, and provide vision and guidance to ensure that we continue to LOVEWELL.
Brooks Pruehs
Team Chair

Pastor Dave Ferguson
Alysa Darmody

Christalee Crary

Daniel Little

Gina Norden

Jacob Faulkner
John Appel

Justin Wampler

Rachel Newmeyer

Ritchie Pruehs

Shastin Rains